Second Brain

- image credit :
Building-A-Second-Brain - Fernando Gros
- The way we conceptualize a thing, the way we articulate our tacit awareness of it
- designates the implicate associative complex
- from which it arose
- fixes the space of possibilities for it.
- In this particular it implicates commitment to views such as
- The Brain is the seat of Intelligence, Intellect consciousness
- It is a discrete self-standing unit of material
- It emphasizes utility as it affords better productivity and effectiveness of or recall, organization of thoughts, ideas, intents
- contrast with : ExtTelligence
- contrast with : ExteLect
- Externalize Intellect
- commitments
- Intellect as a non-material thing
- granted reality beyond being tied down to specific manifestation
- By definition it exists in mutual arising with Collective Intellect
- Intelligence is a narrower utilitarian concept